English - Thought for Food, Oxfam and Hivos (February 2014)
Lessons for agriculture from the movie Speed
We are rapidly changing agriculture into a worldwide food machine. But is food the only goal of agriculture? It seems that the means we've chosen are undermining the original ends. That's a classical mistake, and it reminds me of the bus in the old movie Speed. I wrote this essay for Oxfam and Hivos, two development organisations.
- Lees ook: Weg met de suboptimale zonsonderdag (De Groene Amsterdammer)
This essay is published as part of a series within the project Agrobiodiversity @ knowledged. Read more about this.
Download the essay in English.
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Gebruikte Tags: crisis, duurzaam, economie, ellul, globalisering, groei, techniek, voedsel